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Barbells, Bolts and Bourbon

Jul 30, 2019

On this episode, Coach Joe is joined by athletic trainer, Jenn Brown, to talk about preventing injuries, overcoming plateaus (in training, of course), and even her recent home renovations! Plus, find out why Jenn preaches "hydrate, hydrate, hydrate" to her athletes and what it really means!

You can find Jenn on Facebook...

Jul 29, 2019

On this episode, Jen Brown joins Coach Joe to talk about water and why you should hydrate, hydrate, hydrate you way to peak performance. Proper hydration is such a critical part of training that's too often overlooked, and it may just be secret ingredient you've been missing out on!

This episode is brought to you by Any...

Jul 23, 2019

On this episode, Coach Joe talks about just how important it is to make sure you're properly aligning your spine when training. Plus, he covers how to make sure you're keeping everything properly aligned.

This episode is brought to you by Any Spine Chiropractic, a welcoming and knowledgeable chiropractic center located...

Jul 15, 2019

On this episode, Coach Joe is joined by Dr. Zach LaVigne of Any Spine Chiropractic to talk about squats. But they don't even mention big weights, no—they talk about the squat as a fundamental, human movement that so many people have grown to do incorrectly. Doing something like bending down to pick up a piece of paper...

Jul 8, 2019

On this episode, Coach Joe is joined by Dr. Zach LaVigne of Any Spine Chiropractic to talk about postural imbalances and how to some routine exercises can correct them. Injuries have a way of reprogramming our biology to compensate for weak or damaged muscles, and that's fine in the short-term—but it's when...